[lnie@fedora artemis]$ make -C server/ test-units make: Entering directory '/home/lnie/Documents/artemis/server' Makefile:20: warning: overriding recipe for target 'test-units' ../Makefile.lib:51: warning: ignoring old recipe for target 'test-units' Makefile:23: warning: overriding recipe for target 'coverage' ../Makefile.lib:57: warning: ignoring old recipe for target 'coverage' # Poetry: poetry is /usr/bin/poetry Poetry (version 1.3.2) # Global Poetry configuration: cache-dir = "/home/lnie/.cache/pypoetry" experimental.new-installer = true experimental.system-git-client = false installer.max-workers = null installer.no-binary = null installer.parallel = true virtualenvs.create = true virtualenvs.in-project = null virtualenvs.options.always-copy = false virtualenvs.options.no-pip = false virtualenvs.options.no-setuptools = false virtualenvs.options.system-site-packages = false virtualenvs.path = "{cache-dir}/virtualenvs" # /home/lnie/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs virtualenvs.prefer-active-python = false virtualenvs.prompt = "{project_name}-py{python_version}" # Local Poetry configuration: cache-dir = "/home/lnie/.cache/pypoetry" experimental.new-installer = true experimental.system-git-client = false installer.max-workers = null installer.no-binary = null installer.parallel = true virtualenvs.create = true virtualenvs.in-project = null virtualenvs.options.always-copy = false virtualenvs.options.no-pip = false virtualenvs.options.no-setuptools = false virtualenvs.options.system-site-packages = false virtualenvs.path = "{cache-dir}/virtualenvs" # /home/lnie/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs virtualenvs.prefer-active-python = false virtualenvs.prompt = "{project_name}-py{python_version}" # Tox: tox is /usr/bin/tox 4.11.1 from /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tox/__init__.py tox -e py39 py39: commands_pre[0]> bash -xc ' export; poetry env use $(type -p python) $POETRY_ADDOPTS && poetry env info $POETRY_ADDOPTS && poetry install -v --remove-untracked -E full $POETRY_ADDOPTS' + export declare -x ARTEMIS_DB_URL="sqlite://" • Installing vsts (0.1.25): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed • Installing zipp (3.16.2): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed • Installing xmltodict (0.13.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed Installing the current project: tft-artemis (0.0.67) py39: commands[0]> pytest -vv -ra --flake8 -m flake8 /home/lnie/Documents/artemis/server/alembic /home/lnie/Documents/artemis/server/configuration /home/lnie/Documents/artemis/server/src /home/lnie/Documents/artemis/server/tests py39: failed with pytest is not allowed, use allowlist_externals to allow it py39: FAIL code 1 (13.67 seconds) evaluation failed :( (13.87 seconds) make: *** [Makefile:20: test-units] Error 1 make: Leaving directory '/home/lnie/Documents/artemis/server'